Tales From My D&D Campaign Wiki
Daggerface front YOU STOLE MY NAME!

You may be looking for Daggerface (warforged) instead.

Daggerface is a (possibly insane) Dwarven dragon shaman. He was originally a mine supervisor named Huevo in Corso's Chasm, but became an adventurer after being horifically scarred both physically (with a knife) and mentally (by being left in a magic fear cave) during the Drow incident in epiosde one. Since then, Daggerface has been an occasional member of The Party, Joining them in Ginaron and on the expedition to Mount Pillar in the Shadowfel, though he planeshifted back to the fadelands along with Zaheer and William Black.

Interestingly, Daggerface appears to have been unaffected by the Astral Plague. The mechanism of this resistance is unknown.

Not to be confused with Warforged Daggerface.
